Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yard Shoes

Canvas tennis shoes. I wear them around the yard when I'm not barefoot, which usually means hardcoreyardwork. Anything that might involve thorns or dirt or wet or a shovel.
They see all manner of foulness.

Usually I leave them on the porch. Earlier today I stepped in something bad - so I threw them out next to the step so I could clean them off later. When I went out to toss some stuff in the beloved compost pile I put them back on - I set off - then I stopped & removed the right shoe.

Poor slug didn't make it. Max checked for me.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Happy Anniversary.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Sun

is back! It's been rainy for more than a week and though there were some stretches of sun you knew another thunderstorm could be on the way at any moment.
I was so excited to see that 'it's going to be a beautiful day' sun that I had to take a picture first thing this morning. I really wanted to catch that sunlit baby.

Something else catching the light.

Several hours later I took one more moment to get a shot of the still water before we headed home.

I'm still digging the sun-drenched baby. I think he was missing the summer weather, too.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Three Months

Race is 3 months old today. Those newborn days are officially past. He's busier all the time, revealing more of his personality with each passing day. What could be better?