Tuesday, February 26, 2008

30 Weeks

Here's the belly. I will have to get Paul to get a better picture - I'm not going to be happy w/ anything taken in the bathroom.
I had an OB. appointment on Wednesday last week. The Dr. told me how great I was doing & said I'm the Obstetrician's dream patient. Heartbeat was at 145, My bp is low, total weight gain is at 29 lbs.
After the apt. we went to lunch & then to find some maternity jeans. The kids were great in the store & we walked around for almost 2 hours. Then came the drive home. By evening I was a wreck. Thursday was worse. My tummy was achy & I was having Braxton-Hicks that were worse than any I've had yet. I stayed on the couch & didn't do much of anything except the most essential stuff. Friday I was the same. Around noon I talked to Paul & we decided it was time to call the Dr. They had me come in to get checked. Did I mention the snowstorm that was going on at the time? - Yeah, that too. Paul came home to get us & off we went. Race Springs in the car that has snow tires? Yeah, that too. It was kind of fun to see the same Dr. again. Everything was as it should be, he wasn't worried about early labor & said I may just be uncomfortable for the rest of the time. Third babies do that, etc.
So, long story that is not so short, I need to do less. Yesterday I had to make another trip to civilization & I'm paying for it today - I just haven't found a way to shorten the trip when there's stuff to be done.

I can't believe we only have 10 weeks to go!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Our Mummies

This project is a part of our History lessons. The version in The Story of the World called for using a chicken. When we first reached that chapter in the book I was experiencing a lot of morning sickness and I wasn't about to keep a chicken in my kitchen for 6 weeks to mummify it. Thankfully I knew through a friend that there was a fruit version that we could do. It has taken us quite a while to get back to this fun hands-on project but we finally started it last Monday. The kids really enjoyed it. We will get a few more pictures when King Who-Haad and Queen Sally Aurora are fully entombed.

This is how it all works.

P.S. Mummy pictures & baby appointment coming soon.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Dear Garden,

When it starts to get close to spring I start reading Garden Web again. Today there was a great thread of people's letters to their gardens. I've been hearing this list in my head for almost a month...

Dear Garden,
1. I miss you!

2. I promise to get your soil tested in the spring - as in,
before I plant.

3. I've vowed all winter to not start seedlings too early,
I'll try to stick to that. Really.
4. Somehow, I'll get you planted in spite of giving birth in the vicinity of May 6th. (Hey, I did it 4 years ago.)

5. I promise to share the compost w/ you & not give it all to the flowers up front since I can't/won't buy them mulch.

6. I can't wait for the melt!

Gratuitous garden picture?
Here's one from last spring, May 8th.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


It's no secret that I think my husband is pretty incredible, but there are times when he really, really blows me away.
The framing is done & we got past the rough heat bills to order the first load of drywall. It was delivered on Saturday & put in the garage. Paul had been thinking about how to get it up the rather tight stairway. Once it was here, he got to work on his plan.
A couple long 2 X 4's to act as a ramp.

Some rotating stops to act as a shelf, but to tip out of the way when sliding a sheet of drywall up.

The ramp pieces pivot as needed to get the 4 X 8 sheet turned in a 9 X 4' space.

From there the sheet stands on the 'easel' while he goes up the stairs behind it.

And from the hallway upstairs he lifts the piece & puts it in the first room to get walls.

I think he's amazing. I also have to say, this guy takes the words 'do it yourself' pretty seriously.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Baby Report

I had an ob apt. yesterday. It was off to a rough start with freezing rain & getting stuck in the driveway at 9am, but a kind guy w/ a plow truck pulled me out & off we went.
The visit started off with the glucose test sugar drink. I think I may be the only person who doesn't mind that stuff.
The Dr. said I'm measuring right on schedule & was joking w/ me, asking when I'm going to start showing.
I think that's funny considering how much I've gained so far = 27 lbs. They called back today to tell me sugar was fine but I need to take iron.
I took the kids to the mall afterward - they really don't get out to civilization often enough!

I also had a dental appointment on Monday to fix the molar that lost a filling 2 weeks ago. Another long day for me. Today is the rest/catch up day - but I'm not feeling rested yet. At least I can do the pre-snowstorm grocery run solo this evening.
Here's the latest favorite picture: