Monday, February 18, 2008

Dear Garden,

When it starts to get close to spring I start reading Garden Web again. Today there was a great thread of people's letters to their gardens. I've been hearing this list in my head for almost a month...

Dear Garden,
1. I miss you!

2. I promise to get your soil tested in the spring - as in,
before I plant.

3. I've vowed all winter to not start seedlings too early,
I'll try to stick to that. Really.
4. Somehow, I'll get you planted in spite of giving birth in the vicinity of May 6th. (Hey, I did it 4 years ago.)

5. I promise to share the compost w/ you & not give it all to the flowers up front since I can't/won't buy them mulch.

6. I can't wait for the melt!

Gratuitous garden picture?
Here's one from last spring, May 8th.

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